I returned an item, but it's still listed as checked out to me.
I brought back a book, DVD, and CD but they're still listed in my account.
Our "Borrowing Materials" Web page offers a section marked "I think I have returned an item, but it's still attached to my record?":
Basically, the quickest way to settle this unfortunate situation is to bring the receipt you got when you returned the item. Staff will confirm the return and remove it from your account and waive any relevant fines.
If you don't have a receipt, then you can please visit or call the circulation desk of the library where you returned the item(s):
Keep in mind that it can sometimes take a day or two for staff to check in items dropped into return bins and book drops.
Staff at the library where you returned can check the shelf to see if the item is there. If they do not find it, then they will change the status to "Disputed Item" (aka "Claims Returned"). You will be able to use your library card as normal, and as soon as the book is found and checked in, the "Claims Returned" will be taken off your record.
Please be aware though, that if this item does not show up in the Library system a month after the initial due date, then you will have to discuss further with librarians and may be charged for the cost of the item as NYPL had paid for it.
As proof of your return, when bringing back items to an open branch you can ask staff to give you a receipt.