Where can I return my checked out books?

I checked out books, DVDs, and CDs - where can I bring them back?


You or a friend can return most items to any open NYPL location in the Bronx, Manhattan, and Staten Island  (Brooklyn and Queens each have separate systems so please do not return to branches in those boroughs). As proof of your return, when bringing back items you can ask to get an automated receipt from staff. Information and updates are posted online here:

NYPL offers a number of after hour book drop boxes:

Late fines are no longer charged for items returned after the due date (https://www.nypl.org/help/borrowing-materials/library-fines-and-fees ), but we do ask that you please return checked out items in a timely fashion (especially when other patrons have requested an item). Items that are overdue for more than a month will be billed to a patron's account, however this fee will be immediately removed when the items are returned and checked in by staff.

More information about returns can be found on our "Borrowing Materials" Web page:

  • Last Updated Dec 16, 2022
  • Views 3393
  • Answered By Bernard -AskNYPL

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