How can I check out e-books?

I have checked the catalog and found an e-book I want to read, and an e-audiobook that I want to listen to - how can I make that happen on my desktop/laptop/mobile phone/tablet?


The Library offers instructions for using our e-books and e-audiobooks on our eBook Central Web page:

We subscribe to e-books through a few different providers, including OverDrive (the company behind the Libby app) and cloudLibrary. NYPL itself has created the SimplyE app (available on iOS and Android devices) that offers access to OverDrive, cloudLibrary, and other e-books:

To read / listen to e-books and audiobooks in your browser through the NYPL catalog (, please log in, and either go to "My Bookshelf" or click on your screen name and then click on "Checkouts".

On the right side of the checkouts list, you will see is a small down arrow button to the right of the "Return Item" button for any e-books or e-audiobooks. 

Click on the down arrow and you should see a "Get item" option. Click on this and you'll see an option to read / listen in browser. Select this to open the book.

  • If the book is distributed by OverDrive, it will open in a new tab when you click on "Read now in browser'.
  • If the book is distributed by cloudLibrary, a new window will open, and you'll need to log in with your NYPL credentials for the book to be made available to read.

OverDrive and cloudLibrary each offer their own Web sites and apps for tablets and smartphones.

Here's basic information about cloudLibrary's e-books:

Basic instructional information on the e-books from Overdrive can be found here (OverDrive is behind the Libby app, and also is the sole provider for Kindle-compatible e-books):

Please note that patrons can borrow a maximum of three titles, and reserve a maximum of three titles from each e-book distributor (three from OverDrive, and three from cloudLibrary). Most downloaded titles can be returned early. 

  • Last Updated Dec 11, 2024
  • Views 2206
  • Answered By Bernard -AskNYPL

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