How many checkouts and holds can I have? Both for physical and virtual items.

What are the borrowing and reserving limits for books, DVDs, CDs and ebooks? I'd like to borrow and reserve e-audiobooks as well.


Patrons are permitted to borrow up to 50 items at one time (including 10 DVDs at maximum). Patrons can have up to 30 total holds. More information about this limit can be found here:

However, limits for e-books are different. Patrons can borrow a maximum of three titles, and reserve a maximum of three titles from each of our two main e-book distributors - OverDrive (the company behind Libby), and cloudLibrary. Staying within those limits, an overall maximum of six titles can be placed on hold. Additional details are available here: .

Due to the markedly increased and persistent demand for e-books during the pandemic, the relatively high cost of e-books (and a projected decrease in operating funds for the Library) patrons continue to be limited to reserving a maximum of three titles from each e-book distributor (OverDrive, and OCLC's cloudLibrary).

We've been told by staff who oversee our e-book collections that the limit on holds has reduced the wait time for most patrons, but also that they're aware that this limit has resulted in some patrons not being able to read as many books as they would like. We're told changes to the policies are under discussion, but, no decision's been made yet.

If any changes are made, you should see an announcement posted on our e-book Web pages, such as this -

  • Last Updated Dec 28, 2024
  • Views 71
  • Answered By Bernard -AskNYPL

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